Registrations are ongoing for the Sacrament of Baptism each month (infant - age 7yrs). For current information about registration dates and mass times, please see our weekly parish bulletin. Additional information below...
For older children, please contact the Religious Education office at (956) 541-0184. Older students must register for CCE classes and participate in the requirements for sacraments for their age group. Registration information for older students is on the Religious Education page. Classes begin in the fall each year.
Only Parents or Legal Guardians (presenting the proper document which identifies them as such) can request the sacrament of Baptism for a minor.
The requirements to baptize here at St. Luke are:
1. Parents of the child to be baptized must live within the boundaries of this parish or be registered and active members.
2. Sponsors must be at least 16 years old. They must have already received the sacraments of Christian Initiation: Baptism; Confirmation and Eucharist.
3. If the sponsors are married, they must be married in the Catholic Church.
4. Only one sponsor is needed for this sacrament, either male or female, but if two sponsors are chosen, they must be male and female (two sponsors of the same gender are not accepted).
For registration, parents must bring a picture ID showing current address and the child’s original birth certificate (from City Hall). Parents and sponsors are asked to complete the Baptism Preparation course within 3 years of the Baptism (certificate provided as proof of attendance). Please contact the parish office at (956) 541-1480 for more information. Thank you!